We’d like to thank our generous sponsors for their commitment and dedication to supporting the mission of Golden Apple Foundation to inspire, celebrate, and support educational excellence. For information on becoming a sponsor for future projects and programs, please contact us at info@goldenappleofrockford.com or 779-210-2991.
About the Spring Banquet
The Golden Apple Foundation was established to support, motivate and honor great teachers, to involve the community in our schools and to pass forward a legacy of excellence.
Though the teacher selection is the “face” of Golden Apple, the foundation supports educators through several programs. One local principal is selected as the GA Outstanding Principal, receiving an award along with funds to share with his/her school. And Grant Recipients receive funding for educational projects that enhance their students’ learning experience. The Jan Jones Service Award recognizes volunteerism in area schools, presenting an individual, couple or organization nominated by schools, teachers or community members with an award honoring the community service.
The recipients of all these programs are recognized and celebrated at the Excellence in Education banquet courtesy of our generous sponsors, volunteers and supporters. In addition to recognition, the event also includes a red carpet walk for recipients, networking/cocktail hour, inspiring speeches, dinner, a silent auction and dancing!
Our Silent Auction & Wine Pull provide a showcase for businesses that donate products & services; provide great deals for attendees; and raise funds to maintain our programs. Table sponsorship provides school districts, families and organizations table designations as well as recognition in the banquet program. Golden Apple sponsors are highlighted with wall and table décor as well as program listing.
Having a Golden Apple teacher in your school really accelerates school pride! We encourage school support throughout the selection process as well as at the red carpet and banquet! Students, past or present, often come to the red-carpet procession with posters, signs, cameras and well wishes. Family members also come from near & far to celebrate their loved one’s success by attending the formal event.
Thank You To the Spring Banquet Sponsors