Golden Apple Foundation would not exist without the tremendous support from our volunteers. Dedicating their time and talents, our volunteers participate throughout the year during our annual recognition events and programs.

Volunteer Opportunities
Apple for A Teacher Day
Our volunteers help with Apple for a Teacher Day at the beginning of each school year. Volunteers deliver fresh golden delicious apples to teachers in schools throughout Winnebago and Boone counties to thank them for another year of commitment to our children and youth. Teacher nomination forms for the Golden Apple Awards also are delivered on this day, kicking off the annual nomination process.
Portfolio Reader
For our Golden Apple Awards, volunteers read and evaluate teacher portfolios. New portfolio readers must attend mandatory training where portfolios will be ready for pick up.
Golden Apple Observers visit teacher finalists in their classrooms and evaluate them on a set of specific criteria. Observers pick the classrooms of their choice via Eventbrite. Observations begin mid-January. All new observers must attend one of the mandatory trainings. Special note: observers cannot be an employee of a school district or know the teacher(s).
Golden Apple interviewers are in teams of 4 people who interview finalists with GAF-prepared questions. Each interviewer evaluates the finalist individually. Training occurs the morning of the interviews. Special note: observers must inform GAF in advance if they know a finalist, so we can be sure to avoid observers interviewing someone they know.