Once the Golden Apple Teacher Award recipients have received their Golden Apples in surprise presentations and again at the formal banquet, they will be inducted into the Golden Apple Academy of teachers, a group of outstanding local educators who demonstrate the highest standards of the teaching profession.

Each new member receives his or her Golden Apple pin from a current Academy member in a pinning ceremony. The custom of presenting an apple pin to a teacher is a simple gesture that has long demonstrated appreciation for the learning provided by the teacher’s efforts. As students apply what they have learned, they, in turn, become the “fruit” of the teacher’s labor. Today, the apple given to educators symbolizes and acknowledges the impact and importance of teachers in the lives of students. Each Golden Apple teacher shares a dedication to students, colleagues and schools. Each has a fierce determination to be the best educator he or she can be.
Throughout the year, there are many opportunities for Academy members to come together to support the Foundation and each other. Members volunteer to distribute apples to schools on Apple for the Teacher Day; evaluate Golden Apple Teacher nominee portfolios; observe nominee classrooms; interview finalists; and induct new Academy members. They also help with the spring Excellence in Education banquet, including activities leading up to it and the post-event tear-down and evaluation. We look to members of this elite group of educators to mentor other teachers and to share their best practices in guiding the students in our community.
Achieving Golden Apple status is amazing! We are so proud of your accomplishments! You’ve been recognized and honored by your community. As a Golden Apple recipient, it is important to “pay it forward” to the future teachers and students of this region.
Members Are Asked To:
- Keep in touch with the Teacher Academy, the Golden Apple office and Academy Reps to the GA Board of Directors. If you have moved or changed districts, please let us know.
- Advocate within your school district for teacher nominations, attendance at the Nominee Reception and the Banquet, and grant or scholarship applications.
- Bond with the other teachers awarded this year, other Academy members and the community.
- Inspire and motivate other teachers in our region by presenting your skills in Golden Apple Mentoring opportunities.
- Donate to the Foundation and/or help with fundraising efforts (developing, attending, participating).
- Apply for Golden Apple grants to enhance your teaching. This is a sweet program that will keep your instruction GOLDEN.
- Stay connected! Watch FaceBook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn. Check the E-Blasts and email. The opportunities to stay involved and connected are all there!
- Keep us proud by continuing to show the community your Golden Apple Teaching.