Chelsea Rawhoof

Chelsea Rawhoof of Pecatonica has spent all her 13 years of teaching at Pecatonica Elementary School, where she has taught first through fourth grade. She is now a “looping teacher,” teaching second grade this year, but carrying this class forward teaching them third grade next year. As a parent and a teacher, Chelsea appreciates her students’ parents and communicates with them about how and what their children are doing. She also invites them to join in on events like field trips and a Mother’s Day Tea. “I have made it my job to listen, process and make every effort to assist families in the ultimate goal of doing what is best for their child.” A parent who nominated Chelsea wrote, “Mrs. Rawhoof was a wonderful teacher to our son for the past two years. She cared and showed us that she cared through constant communication. Our son was loved and loved school.” A student wrote, “She is amazing, nice and fun. She helped me grow. She loves to laugh and make everyone happy.” Pecatonica is very different from the diverse city where Chelsea grew up. She works diligently to provide projects and reading materials that include diverse topics. “I want my students to leave me better than they came in and I believe that all the diverse experiences I give them allows that to occur.” Pecatonica school district director of student services, Jessica Love wrote in a recommendation letter that, “Her impact extends well beyond academics; she mentors students and creates a classroom culture based on mutual respect and trust … she is always willing to lend her time and expertise to improve school policies and programs.” A peer wrote that she reminds students to “embrace challenges and learn from mistakes.” She shared an exercise Chelsea used when teaching adjectives and character traits. Students circulated, writing adjectives and traits on others’ “hearts” to describe them. “Lessons such as these engage every student and lets them know they are loved, supported and safe.” Observers commented on Chelsea’s creative techniques in this high-energy classroom. They saw her break down passages to make them more personal and “intertwined reminders about self-confidence, respect, kindness and self-worth.” They could tell Chelsea knows and loves her students and that they know and love her. She made learning fun and interesting, leading to a room of very engaged students.