Ferragosto Food & Entertainment Raises Money at Lino’s

“Ferragosto” was held at Lino’s, 5611 E State St., Rockford on Saturday, Aug. 26. It is part of the city’s “Forward for Fun” initiative, which gives each ward $10,000 to host events that bring the community together after the pandemic. Alderman Mark Bonne of the 14th Ward spearheaded this activity, which resulted in proceeds from food and beverage sales from Lino’s during the event being split among six local nonprofits: Rockford Promise, The Friends of the Coronado, Golden Apple Foundation, The International Women’s Baseball Center, The NIU Alumni Club for the David & Diane Graf Rockford Endowed Scholarship and Keep Northern Illinois Beautiful.
The Italian holiday “Ferragosto” loosely translates to “August Fest.” Food and beverage options included specialty cocktails, meatball sandwiches, gelato, wine and more. Entertainment included the NIU Jazztet, The Amici Italiani Dance Troupe, Vince Chiarelli and Espinosa & Coffey. The event also included vendors and prize drawings. Golden Apple Foundation was grateful for this opportunity and for those who came out to support us and the other local nonprofits!